
Prism Prize Video: Deliluh - Oath of Intent

The 2019 Prism Prize for Best Canadian Music Video was awarded to Kevan Funk, for his clip for Belle Game’s Low. We will continue to profile noteworthy Canadian videos, including this one from a Toronto art-rock combo.

Prism Prize Video:  Deliluh - Oath of Intent

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The 2019 Prism Prize for Best Canadian Music Video was awarded to Kevan Funk, for his clip for Belle Game’s Low. We will continue to profile noteworthy Canadian videos, including this one from a Toronto art-rock combo.

Deliluh - Oath of Intent

Deliluh is a rising exploratory art-rock group that has cemented notoriety in Toronto as a torchbearer for the DIY music network. The group's music style includes components of punk and experimental that morph into a unique identity.

This video was shot on three rolls of high-contrast 16mm film on the Humber River and Lake Ontario "to document the spring thaw, and capture the movement of nature in its dramatic state of transition.”


The video is a black-and-white silent-film setup showing the environment we live in and how it changes during different times in the year. 

Directed by: Johnny de Courcy

Justin Bieber
Evan Paterakis

Justin Bieber

Chart Beat

Every Canadian Artist Who Has Had More Than One No. 1 Hit on the Billboard Hot 100

Since the chart launched in 1959, dozens of Canadian songs have climbed to the top spot — but only eight Canadian stars have ever hit No. 1 more than once, including Drake, Justin Bieber, The Weeknd and Paul Anka.

Canadians have had their share of No. 1 hits since the Billboard Hot 100 first launched in 1959, but only a select group of Canadian artists have ever done it twice.

Number one on the Billboard Hot 100 is a coveted spot, with artists and their teams battling it out to claim the placement. Teen idol Paul Anka was the first Canadian to hit that height in July of 1959 with "Lonely Boy," (also the title of an influential Canadian documentary about him).

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