
Media Beat: October 10, 2018


Media Beat: October 10, 2018

By David Farrell


CBC joins an international initiative to boost transparency in news

Twenty organizations, including CBC, joined The Trust Project on Tuesday, increasing the project's reach to an estimated 217 million people a month. – CBC News

Toronto mayoral fringe candidate sues Bell for refusing to air campaign ad

Faith Goldy has built an online following by pushing anti-immigrant and Islamophobic sentiment and advocating a racist conspiracy theory of “white genocide” or “ethnocide.” She was famously fired by Rebel Media for appearing on a neo-Nazi podcast during the 2017 Charlottesville protests, and has endorsed and cheerily recited a common white supremacist slogan known as the Fourteen Words. – Joseph Brean, National Post

GM tracked radio listening habits for 3 months: Here's why

GM said the whole notion is theoretical for now. But a spokesman said connected vehicle data from its test could help GM develop a better way to measure radio listenership. And that might be valuable to advertisers.


GM, with 10 million cars on the road, is one of the first automakers to undertake such a study. – Jamie L. LaReau, Detroit Free Press

Facebook takes on Amazon with video chat device

Facebook has unveiled Portal, the first consumer hardware from the world’s most extensive social network with a basic price of US$200. The toaster-size gadget, along with a $350 version called Portal+, is a cross between a smart speaker, video camera and digital photo frame. – The Washington Post

Geneviève Côté of SOCAN, Jean-Pierre Ferland, Jaune collaborator Michel Robidoux and Polaris Events Manager Claire Dagenais
Polaris Music Prize

Jean-Pierre Ferland receiving the Polaris Heritage Prize in 2018 alongside Geneviève Côté of SOCAN (left), Jaune collaborator Michel Robidoux and Polaris Events Manager Claire Dagenais.


Obituaries: Songwriter Jean-Paul Ferland Was a Giant of Francophone Music

This week we also acknowledge the passing of Moody Blues Keyboardist Mike Pinder, rapper and former Justin Bieber roommate Chris King, reggae singer Tony Tuff, and bassist Nick Daniels.

Jean-Pierre Ferland, a celebrated Quebec lyricist, composer and singer, died on April 27, of natural causes. He was 89.

A CBC obituary notes that his vast musical legacy included 450 songs and 30 albums.

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