Media Beat: July 14, 2022

By David Farrell

Another “outage”: Rogers lawyer shuts down CBC interview after Shaw merger question

The shut-down happened after the CBC’s Vassy Kapelos probed about the proposed merger with Shaw Communicationsand then asked how it monopolizes telecommunications in Canada. Prigg first responded by saying that he cannot get into questions on the merger with Shaw. He then attempted to bring back the conversation to the original topic of the outage but Kapelos pushed further by asking about the “degree to which the market is monopolized.” This was when the woman’s voice is heard off-camera, telling Kapelos that the interview needs to end.


Study shows that 1 in 3 US listeners under 40 discover new music on Twitch


1-in-3 music listeners in the U.S. discover new music through Twitch. 54% have discovered new music from streamers actively calling out songs or artists / recommending them in the middle of a live stream.  However, while the survey was conducted by a trusted source – Luminate (formerly MRC) which provides all the Billboard chart data – it was funded by TwitchBruce Broughton,  Hypebot


Key drivers of podcast appeal

Whether you agree that podcasts have a ‘discovery problem’ or not, there’s no doubt that the big players in the space are spending a lot of time, money and inventory to promote their shows and stand out from the (literally) millions of competing podcasts out there.

The truth of the matter is all the promotion in the world can only get your podcast a single download from any given listener. Every subsequent download is going to be based on whether the podcast delivers value to listeners, keeping them coming back episode after episode.

Even if you have an amazing show, there are a lot of podcasts out there. If only one of every hundred podcasts is in that top tier of amazing, you’re still competing with tens of thousands of podcasts.

Check the math. Even the most die-hard podcast listener cannot listen to every episode that gets released. In fact, a growing number of listeners can’t find the time for all of their favourite podcasts without cranking up the speed. Eventually, listeners drinking from the audio firehose start deciding which podcasts just aren’t going to stay in rotation.


Which brings us to the fundamental question of this article:

What are the determining factors on whether a podcast will make the cut? Continue reading here. – Matt Hird, Signal Hill Insights

The evolution of media: Visualizing a data-driven future

… Viral content is often engaging and interesting, but it comes with trade-offs. Content can be made artificially engaging by sensationalizing, using clickbait, or playing loose with the facts. It can be ultra-targeted to resonate emotionally within one particular filter bubble. It can be designed to enrage a certain group and mobilize them towards action—even if it is extreme.

Despite the many benefits of Connected Media, we are seeing more polarization than ever before in society. Groups of people can’t relate to each other or discuss issues, because they can’t even agree on basic facts.

Perhaps most frustrating of all? Many people don’t know they are deep within their own bubble in which they are only fed information they agree with. They are unaware that other legitimate points of view exist. Everything is black and white, and grey thinking is rarer and rarer.


Wave 3: Data Media

Between 2015 and 2025, the amount of data captured, created, and replicated globally will increase by 1,600%.

For the first time ever, a significant quantity of data is becoming “open source” and available to anyone. There have been massive advancements in how to store and verify data, and even the ownership of information can now be tracked on the blockchain. Both media and the population are becoming more data literate, and they are also becoming aware of the societal drawbacks stemming from Connected Media.


As this new wave emerges, it’s worth examining some of its attributes and connecting concepts in more detail… – Excerpted from Visual Capitalist, authored by Jeff Desjardins

Billboard Japan



Largest Music Awards in Japan Based on Data From Billboard Japan & More Set for May 2025 in Kyoto

MUSIC AWARDS JAPAN will recognize more than 60 categories for works and artists that have been popular from Jan. 29, 2024, to Jan. 26, 2025.

The Japan Culture and Entertainment Industry Promotion Association (CEIPA) has announced the launch of a new music award called MUSIC AWARDS JAPAN, with the inaugural event set for May 22, 2025, at the Rohm Theatre Kyoto.

This award will recognize more than 60 categories, led by the six major ones including Song of the Year and Artist of the Year, for works and artists that have been popular from January 29, 2024 to January 26, 2025. Candidates will be automatically selected using objective metrics linked to data from Billboard Japan and more. Five nominees will be selected from these candidates by domestic voting members, and the award winners will be decided from among the nominees through a rigorous selection process by domestic and overseas voting members.

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