The Weeknd Hits A High Note With Swedish House Mafia
The following are tracks delivered to radio by digital distributor DMDS/Yangaroo in Canada and broken down into three categories.

By FYI Staff
The following are tracks delivered to radio by digital distributor DMDS/Yangaroo in Canada and broken down into three categories. Top Downloads and Top Canadian Downloads represent the most copied tracks in the weeks ending on Oct. 29 Most Active Indies blends downloads and streams, with the affiliated label and radio promotions' company in parentheses.
Top Downloads:
Coldplay X BTS “My Universe” (Warner)
Luke Bryan “Up” (Capitol Nashville/Universal)
Aaron Goodvin “Boy Like Me” (Warner)
Genevieve Fisher “Neon Healing” (WOR)
MonoWhales “The Hand That Feeds” (Warner)
Swedish House Mafia and The Weeknd “Moth To A Flame” (Republic/DMD Promo)
Sean Paul “Dynamite (feat. Sia)” (Island/Universal)
advertisementDJ Snake, Ozuna, Megan Thee Stallion, LISA “SG” (Interscope/Universal)
Lil Nas X “That’s What I Want” (Columbia/Sony)
Majid Jordan “Stars Align (with Drake)” (Warner)
Top CanCon Downloads:
Aaron Goodvin “Boy Like Me” (Warner)
Genevieve Fisher “Neon Healing” (WOR)
MonoWhales “The Hand That Feeds” (Warner)
Swedish House Mafia and The Weeknd “Moth To A Flame” (Republic/DMD Promo)
Majid Jordan “Stars Align (with Drake)” (Warner)
David James “That’s The Life” (MDM/Dale Speaking Promo)
Ches Anthony “Rain” (CA Records/RPMpromo)
Marc Jordan & Amy Sky “Baby It’s Cold Outside” (Linus)
Scott Helman “Pretty” (Warner)
Lights “Prodigal Daughter” (Warner)
Most Active Indies:
Swedish House Mafia and The Weeknd “Moth To A Flame” (Republic/DMD Promo)
Genevieve Fisher “Neon Healing” (WOR)
Ches Anthony “Rain” (CA Records/RPMpromo)
Lydia Sutherland “Date A Friend” (Indie/B. Chick Promo)
Danko Jones “Ship Of Lies” (Sonic Unyon/Canvas Media Promo)
Marc Jordan & Amy Sky “Baby It’s Cold Outside” (Linus)
Darcy John “California” (Indie/B. Martineau Promo)
David James “That’s The Life” (MDM/Dale Speaking Promo)
Justin Fancy “Beauty Queen” (Indie/B. Martineau Promo)
Dallas “Nightmare Before Christmas” (Taylor Ent.)