
Nielsen Market Watch Facts & Figures: March 08, 2018

Here is this week's Nielsen Marketwatch report which features Canadian music stats for the current week and YTD with comparisons to last year. This chart is published every Tuesday.

Nielsen Market Watch Facts & Figures: March 08, 2018

By External Source

Here is this week's Nielsen Marketwatch report which features Canadian music stats for the current week and YTD with comparisons to last year. This chart is published every Tuesday. The abbreviation "TEA" is a term used to describe the sale of music downloads or singles. A track equivalent album is equal to 10 tracks, or 10 songs.

man sitting on bench reading newspaper
Photo by Roman Kraft on Unsplash

Media Beat: The Need To Know...Nothing (Column)

In Canada, more newspapers are one step away from the graveyard than it would seem. In the U.S., the huffing and puffing around TikTok continues.

TikTok, The Witch Is Dead…Or Is It?

The huffing and puffing and finger-pointing going on within the ranks of the U.S. Congress against TikTok belies a bigger problem and that is vast amounts of personal information are being swept up, parsed and re-sold by a conglomerate of seemingly untameable Western tech firms that grab information from the internet without permission of the users.

Snooping on the average Joe Public feeds multi-billion-dollar industries involved in cloak-and-dagger espionage and selling us products. The alleged idea that the Chinese-owned platform TikTok may or may not be feeding personal data about users to covert organizations within the Chinese government would be disheartening, but no more so than the shenanigans that Google, Facebook and other widely used Western platforms do. Google, Amazon, and Elon Musk have received billion-dollar funding from U.S. security organizations, such as the Pentagon, to develop software that ultimately become intelligence-collecting conduits.

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