
Music Canada - 2019 Legislative and Regulatory Outlook

2019 promises to be an important year for Canada’s music sector from both legislative and regulatory perspectives.

Music Canada - 2019 Legislative and Regulatory Outlook

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2019 promises to be an important year for Canada’s music sector from both legislative and regulatory perspectives.

The Statutory Parliamentary Review of the Copyright Act is expected to conclude in the first quarter with reports from both the Heritage and Industry committees.

Overwhelmingly witnesses from the music sector raised the need to address Canada’s Value Gap and exhibited broad support for four recommendations for the government to do so. Those recommendations are:

  1. Remove the $1.25 Million Radio Royalty Exemption

  2. Amend the Definition of ‘Sound Recording’ in the Copyright Act

  3. Amending the term of copyright for musical works


  4. Private Copying: Renew Support for Music Creators

Each of these changes would remove an unfair subsidy, harmonize the laws within our industries, and bring us to international standards. These solutions, which could be implemented simply and quickly, are described in detail in Music Canada’s report, “The Value Gap: Its Origins, Impacts and a Made-in-Canada Approach.”

We also look forward to working with the newly reformed Copyright Board of Canada.  As of April 1st, the legislative reforms passed last December will come into force. The changes will create a more efficient regulatory environment which will support a royalty rate-setting process that better reflects the true value of music. Music Canada looks forward to working with the government to support the implementation of these changes.

Luminate Data Market Watch Facts & Figures: Week Ending September 12, 2024

Luminate Data Market Watch Facts & Figures: Week Ending September 12, 2024

Here is this week's Luminate Data Market Watch report which features Canadian music stats for the current week and year-to-date comparisons to last year.

Here is this week's Luminate Data Market Watch report which features Canadian music stats for the current week and YTD with comparisons to last year. This chart is published every Tuesday. The abbreviation "TEA" is a term used to describe the sale of music downloads or singles. A track equivalent album is equal to 10 tracks, or 10 songs.
