
Charts Return To FYI

Technical problems with a server providing chart data from Billboard to FYI  were down for the past 8 days, but the issue is now resolved.

Charts  Return To FYI

By FYI Staff

Technical problems with a server providing chart data from Billboard to FYI  were down for the past 8 days, but the issue is now resolved.

Clients with subscriptions were not been affected by the technical snafu.

Jane McGarrigle with sisters Anna and Kate

Jane McGarrigle with sisters Anna and Kate


Obituaries: Remembering Artist Manager/Musician Jane McGarrigle, Singer Marianne Faithfull

This week we also acknowledge the passing of pedal steel pioneer Susan Alcorn and American publishing executive Ben Vaughn.

(Laury) Jane McGarrigle, a Canadian songwriter, musician, music publisher, artist manager and author who worked extensively with her sisters, folk legends Kate & Anna McGarrigle, died on Jan. 24, at age 84, of ovarian cancer.

A Celebrity Access obituary notes that "Jane McGarrigle began her career in music when she was just 14 after she was recruited by nuns to play organ at l’Église de Saint-Sauveur-des-Monts, a historic Catholic church in Saint-Sauveur, Quebec, Canada.

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