
Artist Earnings Rise To $10.8B Globally

Music, video and other artists are earning a record $10.8 billion in royalties a year, according to figures released last week.

Artist Earnings Rise To $10.8B Globally

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Music, video and other artists are earning a record $10.8 billion in royalties a year, according to figures released last week. Yet the artists say that they deserve still more and they will fight for it.  The figures from International Confederation of Authors and Composers (CISAC) are coupled with a call for action to prevent copyright abuse.

In a swipe at digital services, the CISAC industry group’s Director-General Gadi Oron said that artists “are fighting for the best licensing terms and the highest royalties possible in a world where powerful users are determined to avoid, or minimize, paying a fair return for their work.”


In September 2018, the European Parliament supported a new EU Copyright Directive on the digital market. The internet worldwide may face a major shake-up as a result. Paul McCartney and many musicians are strongly in favour. They are pitted against Web giants Google, YouTube, Facebook and Wikipedia.

–  Continue reading Mark Beech on the Forbes website.

Music Streaming Illustration by Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images

Music Streaming Illustration by Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images

Legal News

LyricFind Sues Rival Musixmatch in Antitrust Suit Over ‘Unprecedented’ Warner Licensing Deal

The lawsuit claims that a "first-of-its-kind" agreement between Musixmatch and Warner Chappell means streamers like Spotify will have "no choice" about where to get lyrics.

LyricFind is suing Musixmatch over allegations that its rival struck an exclusive licensing deal with Warner Music Group (WMG) that’s “unprecedented in the music industry” and is aimed at securing an illegal monopoly for providing lyrics to streamers like Spotify.

In a complaint filed Wednesday (March 6) in San Francisco federal court, the Canadian-founded company LyricFind accuses Musixmatch and private equity owner TPG Global of violating federal antitrust laws by signing the deal with Warner Chappell Music (WCM), the publishing division of WMG, claiming it was designed to crush competition.

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