Prism Prize Video: The Dirty Nil - Pain of Infinity
The 2019 Prism Prize for Best Canadian Music Video was awarded to Kevan Funk, for his clip for Belle Game’s Low. We will continue to profile noteworthy Canadian videos, including this one from a hard-rocking and fast-rising Hamilton trio.

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The 2019 Prism Prize for Best Canadian Music Video was awarded to Kevan Funk, for his clip for Belle Game’s Low. We will continue to profile noteworthy Canadian videos, including this one from a hard-rocking and fast-rising Hamilton trio.
The Dirty Nil - Pain of Infinity
The Dirty Nil is an alternative rock trio based in Hamilton, comprising singer/guitarist Luke Bentham, bassist Ross Miller and drummer Kyle Fisher.
The song is about being done with a relationship. The video showcases the members of the band acting as reapers that are performing horribly at their job - which is collecting souls. In relation to the video the lyrics could be interpreted as showing the reapers are done with their boss and their job. However, in reality the song is about a girl, and being done/over her.
The video has dark and creepy elements but we see comedic relief at the end, which helps round it out.
Directed by: Mitch Barnes & Victor Malang
Editor: Victor Malang
DOP/Camera/Colour: Mitch Barnes
Hair & Makeup: Kyrsten Bryant
Intro Music: Mitch Bowden
Paul "Paul" Quigley: Himself
Boss: Clum Butterig
Ladder Man: “Parkside” Mike Renaud
Slippery Pedestrian: Kaleigh Gorka
Golf Victim: Mitch Barnes