Jess Moskaluke's 'Christmas' Is This Week's Hot New Radio Track
But other Canadians with seasonal songs are also currying favour with radio programmers.

Jess Moskaluke
The following are tracks delivered to radio by digital distributor DMDS/Yangaroo in Canada and broken down into three categories. Top Downloads and Top Canadian Downloads represent the most copied tracks in the week ending Nov.24. Most Active Indies blends downloads and streams, with the affiliated label and radio promotions company in parentheses
Top Downloads:
1. Jess Moskaluke “Counting Down Christmas” (MDM/Dale Speaking Promo)
2. High Valley “Run Outta Mistletoe” (Cage Free/The Orchard/Sony)
3. Dua Lipa “Houdini” (Atlantic/Warner)
4. Tyler Shaw “Christmas All Over Again” (Sony)
5. Tim & The Glory Boys “All I Want For Christmas Is You” (Sony)
6. Sebastian Gaskin “Medicine” (Ishkodé/Universal Music Canada)
7. Hailey Benedict “Freeze” (Sakamoto/Warner/GPS Promo)
8. Roja Valentine “Craving” (Roja Valentine Music)
9. The Prairie States “Christmas Time With You” (Universal)
10. Owen Riegling “Old Dirt Roads” (Universal)
Top CanCon Downloads:
1. Jess Moskaluke “Counting Down Christmas” (MDM/Dale Speaking Promo)
2. High Valley “Run Outta Mistletoe” (Cage Free/The Orchard/Sony)
3. Tyler Shaw “Christmas All Over Again” (Sony)
4. Tim & The Glory Boys “All I Want For Christmas Is You” (Sony)
5. Sebastian Gaskin “Medicine” (Ishkodé/Universal Music Canada)
6. Hailey Benedict “Freeze” (Sakamoto/Warner/GPS Promo)
7. Roja Valentine “Craving” (Roja Valentine Music)
8. The Prairie States “Christmas Time With You” (Universal)
9. Owen Riegling “Old Dirt Roads” (Universal)
10. MacKenzie Porter “Bet You Break My Heart” (Big Loud)
Most Active Indies:
1. Jess Moskaluke “Counting Down Christmas” (MDM/Dale Speaking Promo)
2. Roja Valentine “Craving” (Roja Valentine Music)
3. Thirty Seconds To Mars “Seasons” (Concord/You Are Hear Promo)
4. Hailey Benedict “Freeze” (Sakamoto/Warner/GPS Promo)
5. Clerel “Lemon Water (Ft. Zach Zoya)” (N.O.T.E.)
6. Luna Elle “Souls Align” (Hot Freestyle Records)
7. MacKenzie Porter “Bet You Break My Heart” (Big Loud)
8. Don Amero “Sometimes A Whisper” (MDM/Dale Speaking Promo)
9. Brett Kissel “I Want A Massey Ferguson For Christmas” (Big Star Recordings)
10. The Redhill Valleys “Blue Christmas” (MDM/Dale Speaking Promo)