Prism Prize Eligible Video: Lydia Ainsworth - Diamonds Cutting Diamonds
The 2020 Prism Prize for Best Canadian Music Video was awarded to Peter Huang, for his clip for Jessie Reyez's Far Away. We will continue to profile noteworthy Canadian videos, including this one featuring an acclaimed synth-pop auteur.

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The 2020 Prism Prize for Best Canadian Music Video was awarded to Peter Huang, for his clip for Jessie Reyez's Far Away. We will continue to profile noteworthy Canadian videos, including this one featuring an acclaimed synth-pop auteur.
Lydia Ainsworth - Diamonds Cutting Diamonds
Toronto-born singer/songwriter Lydia Ainsworth is back at it with her newest album release, Phantom Forest. Opening the album is the third single, Diamonds Cutting Diamonds, a beautifully produced masterpiece on the overcomings of self-doubt. “With the Greek Chorus setting the scene, narrating and offering direction on how to enter Phantom Forest. It's my hope that the listener will imagine the narration to be directed to them as well, as they begin the journey of the album," says Ainsworth.
The accompanying video for the song, directed by Lydia’s younger sister, Abby opens up with the singer sitting in front of a chessboard, whilst on top of a life-sized one. Shortly after the song begins, she’s joined by a mime dancing spookily behind her. The two move on to watch a standoff between a bull and a matador. The video finishes with the characters holding a large sign reading “Have No Fear”, before dancing methodically around the life-sized chess board while moving the pieces.
Directed by Abby Ainsworth
Song written/performed/produced by Lydia Ainsworth
Choreographed by Kalie Hunter