A Pandemic Resource Guide For Businesses and Artists
The following is a blueprint for financial support on offer by the Canadian government, as approved in the upper and lower chambers last week.

By FYI Staff
The following is a blueprint for financial support on offer by the Canadian government, as approved in the upper and lower chambers last week. It should be noted that although the PM and his cabinet ministers are saying the package will offer immediate relief for individuals and businesses, the reality is that it is likely to be two to three weeks for the bureaucracy to process claims and disperse funds. Also, the suggestion that small businesses can immediately negotiate no-interest loans from banks to tide them over during the pandemic, the reality is that banks have closed many locations in the past week, many are restricting walk-in traffic and negotiating by phone will require patience as the wait-times are likely to be lengthy.
Support for individuals and families
- Increasing the Canada Child Benefit
- Special Goods and Services Tax credit payment
- Extra time to file income tax returns
- Mortgage support
Support for people facing unemployment
Support for people who are sick, quarantined, or in directed self-isolation
- The new Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB)
- Improved access to Employment Insurance sickness benefits
Support for people who are unable to work
Support for people who need it most
- A new Indigenous Community Support Fund
- Enhancing the Reaching Home initiative
- Support for women’s shelters and sexual assault centres
Support for seniors
Support for students and recent graduates
Support to businesses
Avoiding layoffs
Access to credit
Support for farmers
Supporting financial stability
- Launching an Insured Mortgage Purchase Program
- Bank of Canada actions
- Lowering the Domestic Stability Buffer
More flexibility
Related links
From Music Managers Forum Canada: FINANCIAL IMPACT RESOURCES
Canada Emergency Response Benefit
for Contract Workers and Self-Employed Individuals who aren’t otherwise eligible for EI
More info at Economic Response Plan link below.
Official: Canada’s Economic Response Plan
Advice for Entrepreneurs from Business Development Bank Canada (BDC): https://www.bdc.ca/en/about/mediaroom/public_statements/pages/useful-advice-help-entrepreneurs-plan-respond-impacts-coronavirus.aspx
Info from Canadian Federation of Independent Businesses including a support hotline:https://www.cfib-fcei.ca/en/tools-resources/covid-19-coronavirus-business
For Performers - $100,000 relief fund to provide artist fees for live online performances supported by Facebook Canada and the National Arts Centre. APPLY TODAY: https://nac-cna.ca/en/media/newsrelease/25880
Co-Mission: An Artist Relief Compilation - ARTISTS! Check it out! Folkadelphia is commissioning new recordings by paying musicians for their time and craft to track a song at home or whatever safe space they have. https://comissioncompilation.wordpress.com/
Facebook Small Business Grants Program:https://www.facebook.com/business/grants
For Toronto-based Artists/Arts Professionals - $1000 grants to replace lost revenues between March 12, 2020 and April 30, 2020: https://torontoartscouncil.org/grant-programs/toartist-covid-response-fund
MusiCares COVID-19 Relief Fund: https://www.grammy.com/musicares/get-help/covid-19-relief-fund-faq
Keep Track of Your Losses
Many granting agencies and other organizations are urging us to track lost income and to keep related documentation for future response and financial support planning.
Helpful link for categories to consider when tracking losses created by Global Public Affairs
Resources for bill payment relief from Toronto Musicians’ Association Local 149:
Toronto Hydro, Ontario Energy Board, Toronto Utilities, Toronto Property Taxes, resources for bill assistance
Bill Payment arrangements for Rogers(also Fido), Telus, Bell, Koodo, Freedom
Financial Assistance from the AFC
Financial Assistance from Unison Benevolent Fund
Info from Granting Agencies
Ontario Creates
Canada Council
Department of Canadian Heritage
Radio Starmaker Fund
The Board of the Radio Starmaker Fund wants to inform all stakeholders that any previous tour dates that were approved and were to take place between February 15th and August 31st of this year will be fully funded if they were canceled as a result of the coronavirus. All you will need to do when filling out final paperwork is indicate the reason for the cancelation was coronavirus – no other proof will be necessary. This same policy will also be in effect with regard to tour dates approved by the Board for Round 74.
We are currently examining the impact of the coronavirus outbreak and the implications it may have on future touring. Currently, when we open our next round, we are considering a moratorium on requests for tour funding for all performances from April 1st to May 31st of this year given the very high likelihood of cancellation.
We will be monitoring this situation over the next few weeks and making a final determination on or before April 10th when we plan to open the next round of funding. In the meantime, we wanted everyone to know this is a possibility as tour plans are made this year.
Visas & Immigration
US Visas & SXSW Cancellation: http://www.tamizdat.org/artist-mobility-faqs-regarding-sxsws-cancellation/
Artist Mobility - US Visas: https://www.covey.law/coveylaw-covid-19-faq/
US Visa Update from DMT Law: https://mailchi.mp/7bc104246764/immigration-covid-updates-what-you-need-to-know?e=190be35e08
Insurance & Legal
COVID-19 and Force Majeure: https://www.torys.com/insights/publications/2020/03/covid-19-and-force-majeure-clauses
Information from MMF-UK: https://themmf.net/2020/03/10/coronavirus-updated-information/
Force Majeure Contracts and Insurance: https://musictech.solutions/2020/03/09/pandemic-force-majeure-contracts-and-insurance-in-the-music-business/
Airline Covid-19 Policies
Master list by Forbes.com: https://www.forbes.com/sites/advisor/2020/03/11/master-list-of-airline-coronavirus-policies
International Air Transport Association: https://www.iatatravelcentre.com/international-travel-document-news/1580226297.htm
Air Canada: https://www.aircanada.com/ca/en/aco/home/book/travel-news-and-updates/2020/covid-19.html
WestJet: https://www.westjet.com/en-ca/travel-info/coronavirus
Public Health, Government, Etc. Public Health Links
World Health Organization: https://www.who.int/
Canada Public Health: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/coronavirus-disease-covid-19.html
Provincial / Territorial Updates:
Alberta | British Columbia | Manitoba | Ontario | Quebec - English | Quebec – French | New Brunswick | Northwest Territories | Nova Scotia | Newfoundland and Labrador | Nunavut | Prince Edward Island | Saskatchewan | Yukon
Risk-informed decision-making for mass gatherings during COVID-19 global outbreak
Canada’s Response: https://pm.gc.ca/en/news/news-releases/2020/03/11/prime-minister-outlines-canadas-covid-19-response
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US): https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control: https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/en/novel-coronavirus-china
Health & Wellness
Message from Unison Benevolent Fund:
For counselling inquiries to help you deal with the financial or emotional impact of coronavirus, please contact 1-855-986-4766.
For emergency financial assistance, know that Unison will carefully review your situation and request in the context of finding the best way to assist you during this difficult time. You are reminded that Unison does not make payments directly to applicants, with the understanding that our resources are limited, dependent on the generosity of our donors, and are allocated in ways to best support as many individuals as possible. Please visit our website here to learn more about our financial assistance program and how to apply.
More Info about Unison: https://www.samaritanmag.com/features/qa-questions-answered-about-accessing-music-industrys-unison-benevolent-fund
Sign up for a guide to anxiety relief and self-isolation from UK-based Coalition “Music Industry Therapists & Coaches”: http://musicindustrytherapists.com/anxietyrelief_selfisolation/
Event Cancellations & Postponement Announcements
Luminato (June 2020) Cancelled: https://luminatofestival.com/Blog/March-2020/Update
East Coast Music Awards: Festival & Conference Cancelled: https://www.ecma.com/news/covid-19-and-ecma-2020/
CMW Rescheduled: https://cmw.net/canadian-music-week-announces-new-dates-2020-festival-conference/
Updating page from Billboard: https://www.billboard.com/articles/business/touring/9323647/concerts-canceled-coronavirus-list
Showcase festivals and conferences updates: https://www.europeanmusic.eu/2020/03/coronavirus-festivals-updates/
2020 JUNO Awards: https://junoawards.ca/juno-week-2020/
SXSW 2020: https://www.sxsw.com/2020-event-update/
Coachella: https://www.coachella.com/
Stagecoach: https://www.stagecoachfestival.com/
Big Ears Festival: https://bigearsfestival.org/big-ears-festival-covid-19-cancellation/
Ultra Music Festival: https://ultramusicfestival.com/official-notice
IAMA International Conference: https://www.iamaworld.com/30th-iama-international-conference.aspx
AME 2020: https://www.atlanticmusicexpo.com/coronavirus.php
ISPA 2020: https://www.ispa.org/page/congress_landing
Talin Music Week: https://tmw.ee/2020/03/the-international-new-music-festival-and-conference-tmw-is-postponed-until-august-the-new-dates-are-26-30-august/
California Limits Mass Gatherings: http://www.oesnews.com/california-public-health-experts-mass-gatherings-should-be-postponed-or-canceled-statewide-to-slow-the-spread-of-covid-19/
Alberta canceling events with over 250 attendees and events with international participants or high-risk population and more than 50 attendees: https://www.alberta.ca/release.cfm?xID=6980324A5B1B0-BC2C-40A8-A6AD9E30E3189425
Quebec announces cancellation of indoor gatherings of more than 250 people: https://www.quebec.ca/sante/problemes-de-sante/a-z/coronavirus-2019/#c46339
Miscellaneous Info & Resources
Resources for Live Event Workers: https://liveeventcommunity.org/
Music Industry Resources from Unison: https://www.unisonfund.ca/index.php/blog/post/covid-19-resources-music-community
Suggestions for What Independent Artists Can Do: https://www.cyberprmusic.com/coronavirus-what-can-independent-artists-do/
Resources Page by MMF UK: https://themmf.net/2020/03/17/covid-19-resources-and-useful-information-for-mmf-members/
Comprehensive list of resources from The Gallery of Eras / CUE: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DQ_m4qYnGvFMKKal8elLb1hOAruYNEDgjPmJroME1IE/edit
Resources for Canadian Businesses from Government of Canada Trade Commissioner Service: https://www.tradecommissioner.gc.ca/campaign-campagne/ressources-entreprises-COVID-19-business-resources.aspx?lang=eng
Updating Resource Page for Freelance Canadian Artists, Writers, and Media Workers: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1j5G-290oBGludXRJEV4pS-sdefCX9MWUkwk2WT7K99Y/mobilebasic
Coronavirus FAQs from NAPAMA: https://napama.org/Coronavirus_FAQs
Live data showing number of COVID-19 cases around the world: https://ncov2019.live/
Coronavirus in Europe: https://www.iq-mag.net/2020/03/coronavirus-europe-state-play-updating/#.XmpttpNKjOQ
Resources from On the Move: http://on-the-move.org/news/article/20675/corona-virus-resources-arts-culture-and-cultural/
Arts Ready: https://www.artsready.org/
Coronavirus Preparedness for the Live Performance Sector from CAPACOA (includes a link to version française): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QbmCGVff3iFMRE59Kb5Jk0X-9rP-8P13DW3zyk0GWXQ/mobilebasic
And, from The Globe and Mail: How to apply for EI and other COVID-19 emergency government income supports