Vivian Barclay


Hot House Songs
Vivian Barclay

Next-Gen Advice

“There are times when being a woman in this business can feel unfair due to double standards, but don't let that shape how you navigate the industry or influence your reactions. My motto is 'Don't take it on.' By this, I don't mean ignoring what's happening, but rather, I choose not to dwell on it or sweat the small stuff. There are often much bigger issues in life, and someone somewhere is always facing a challenge. So try to give everyone a little bit of the grace you also will need at some point.

This isn't rocket science – it's music. So, don't take yourself too seriously. Change is inevitable, and while doing good work is essential (don’t half-ass it!), it shouldn’t define your entire life. Live LIFE well, experience people, places and things. Time is precious, you cannot get it back. Uplift other women by making space for them, breathe, and remember: 'Why not go out on a limb? Isn't that where the fruit is?”
