Ashley Bieniarz

Artist (KWIAT), Producer, Event Creator and Host

Songsmiths Canada
Ashley Bieniarz

Next-Gen Advice

“The best advice I can give to other women in the music industry is to always believe in yourself and stay true to your values. Understanding what’s most important to you will guide you through difficult decisions and help you make choices that bring you genuine happiness. This industry is relentless, constantly demanding more – more music, more time, more energy.

It’s easy to lose yourself in the pursuit of success. But when you’re anchored in who you are and what you want, you’ll navigate your career with confidence and pride. Surround yourself with people who share these values and bring you joy. These are the individuals who will uplift and inspire you. Remember, competition is a product of capitalism, but in reality, when one of us succeeds, we all flourish together.”
